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How Monica Wears Her Designs

I was born to Barbie!

Needless to say, I played with dolls and loved my Barbies! Pink was and is my favorite color and same goes for my beautiful mother. In fact, when I was 3 my father came home with the news that Ford was his new client and we were offered to choose the color we wanted and I blurted out, “PINK!” and Pink it was! Much to my brothers chagrin! They hated that pink Country Squire with wood paneling so much that they asked to be dropped at the end of the block so as not to be associated! Yes, we all… Read More »

Maria in Tulle Dots!

2 New shapes have been covered in Dots! Maria Blouse $320 Nancy Dress $ 450   This fabric won’t last very long. My favorite thing to do is hunt for fabrics so when I found this fun piece I knew I couldn’t leave the shop without it! Please DM me for sales, these are very few of a kind and going fast!  #suchfun

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